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Shamanic Energy Medicine


Beyond Quantum Healing  "Past Life Regression"

Quantum Energy Clearing

Quantum Pain Relief

“You have the power to heal your life, and you need to know that. We think so often that we are helpless, but we're not. ”
― Louise L. Hay

Let's shift perspective for a second. 
Imagine the world as energy.
There's an energy field surrounding our physical body where imprints of trauma or alien energy can get stuck.

Imagine disease as dis-ease, or "lack of ease", and pain as a warning, a signal telling us that a situation needs to be addressed.
With this new perspective, what would be our next step?
Look into that situation, discover the source of that lack, clear it all and bring back alignment and harmony, right? Then start writing our own story and live the life we’ve always dreamed of.
Shall we? Now seems to be the perfect time :)



Meet Cécile

Hi and welcome! I was born and raised in the beautiful French Alps and I arrived in Los Angeles in 2013. In the hopes of reducing my skyrocketing stress level, I delved into alternative medicines, which was not an easy task because of my logical brain often getting in the way :)

I've learned new beautiful ways of living and I'd be happy to share them with you.

Which online modality currently resonates best with you?

The Shamanic Energy Medicine sessions are based on ancient shamanic techniques shared by the medicine women and men of the Andes and the Amazon forest.  

Beyond Quantum Healing is a Consciousness exploration method for self-healing and spiritual growth. You may have heard of "Past Life Regression"?  It's related, but goes beyond that concept. Originally based on the teachings of Dolores Cannon, you can discover more here

Long-term ongoing pain is a major issue for many. Pain is actually a signal telling us that there is a situation that needs our attention. In a Quantum Pain Relief session, we use energy and emotions to get to the source of the pain. In one session, the pain can be reduced up to 80%. More information here

Reiki is a powerful relaxation technique using the laying of hands on specific parts of the body. As usual in energy healing, it can be done in person or remotely. In the West, Reiki has been translated as "Universal Energy". To be more specific, in Japanese "Ki" means Energy and "Rei" means Spiritual or Sacred. This ancient technique can be weaved into other modalities, or Reiki can be used as the sole modality in a session.

You feel that you could benefit from an Energy Clearing, but you don't know how to squeeze a session in your busy schedule, or maybe you can't find a quiet place to be by yourself for a session, or you prefer not knowing when it's being done? An Energy Clearing session will be done without you meeting online with the practitioner. I will be looking at anything that needs to be released or cleansed, whether a residual trauma, an ancestral pattern, an energy leak, a lack of grounding... You will then receive a report on the work done.

Still unsure? Feel free to reach out so we can discuss it.



How do I know if any of this is for me? Here are some reasons you may want to give it a try:

- You sometimes feel completely drained of your energy, for no specific reason 

- You struggle with stress or anxiety 

- You've had that back pain forever

- You sense an energy that doesn’t seem to be yours 

- You feel you’re not whole

- You feel stuck in a situation

- You wonder why you came to this life

- You feel your ancestors, your grandparents, your parents… still live through you. You seem to repeat their mistakes and get the same disease



Shamanic Energy Medicine

When a trauma occurs, its imprint can get stuck in the energy field that surrounds our physical body.

With time, it has a tendency to get closer and closer to our body, and can trigger a disease.

At the beginning of a session, you will blow your issue to one of my kuyas, or energy medicine stones.

We will then see to which of the 7 chakras the imprint is attached, and proceed to an Illumination.

An Illumination cleans the chakra and remove any affinity with the issue, so history doesn't repeat itself.

Each session includes an Illumination, but other techniques can be beneficial, like the ones listed below.

Stress relief

When a situation occurs, we want to be able to handle it with a calm and collected mind. But when our fight or flight system is on, when our body and brain are flooded in stress hormones, we enter survival mode and see only 3 options: attack, flee, or freeze. There is a way to energetically reset our system, which then allows us to see all the opportunities in a situation.


Intrusive energies can lodge themselves in our body and trigger pain (like in our joints) and disease. They can be extracted and sent to the light.

Soul Retrieval

When a trauma occurs, a piece of our soul leaves us, and our wounded self remains behind. That piece doesn't remember the trauma and, once recovered, can help us cope with the situation. We feel whole again and can write our new story.

Ancestral Constellation

When you come into right relationship with your ancestors, they no longer live through you. You don't have to repeat their mistakes, live the same life, get the same health issues. Help same make their way to the light, and they will support you.

Destiny Retrieval

What was your intention for this life when you came? What is your purpose, your destiny?

Please note that energy healing is not a talk therapy 

Shamanic Energy Medicine session

1h - Remote

$US 77

Beyond Quantum Healing BQH

BQH is a consciousness exploration method for self-healing and spiritual growth that can be done in-person or remotely.

Physical health, emotional balance, life path, purpose, connection with your Higher Self, exploration of past, parallel or future lives... What questions do you have for your soul?

Relaxation and hypnosis elements are used to help bring the client to a deep connection with their inner self. (However, please note that it isn't a hypnosis session)


What is BQH? By Candace Crow-Goldman

Beyond Quantum Healing session

1h online preparation the day before or so + 3 hour session - Remote

 $US 222

Quantum Pain Relief

Pain is like a warning asking us to pay attention to a situation. If this pain manifests on the physical level, its source can be on the same or yet another level, be it physical, mental, emotional, energetic, spiritual. Pain killers are like a bandage on the wound, they don't address the core issue. When the issue gets resolved though, then pain is not longer necessary. How would life be if that long-standing pain could be reduced?

Quantum Pain Relief session

1h - Remote

 $US 77


The beautiful Universal Energy will go wherever it is needed in your body, bringing relaxation to your physical body, but also to your mind, emotions and spirit. You as the Client have two important missions during your Reiki session: allow the Energy to flow through you, bringing healing, balance and harmony, and allow yourself to deeply relax :)

Reiki session

1h - Remote

 $US 77

Quantum Energy Clearing

Receiving a clearing of your energy body, your house, release of any external influence... without carving out time for it, or wondering how to handle the session, does that sound more like it?  This session is not done in presence of the client. A report with all information received during the session will be sent to you afterwards.

Quantum Energy Clearing

Not in presence of the client - Report sent

$US 77


I love books, so I'm sharing here an eclectic, non-exhaustive list of books that helped me on my journey. I'm always happy to discover more, so please do not hesitate to share with me/us books you loved!


- Super Attractor - Gabrielle Bernstein

- Hands of light - Barbara Brennan

- The Secret - Rhonda Byrne 

- Between Death and Life - Dolores Cannon

- Spirit Hacking - Shaman Durek

- The true power of water - Masaru Emoto

- Intuitio - Laurent Gounelle

- You can heal your life - Louise Hay

- The power of Eight - Lynne McTaggart

- The Field - Lynne McTaggart

- Dying to be me - Anita Moorjani

- A radical awakening - Dr Shefali

- The Four Insights - Dr Alberto Villoldo

- Grow a new Body - Dr Alberto Villoldo

- Courageous Dreaming - Dr Alberto Villoldo

- Shaman, Healer, Sage - Dr Alberto Villoldo

- Water researcher Veda Austin. I haven't read her book, but her beautiful work is available online

- Zero Limits - Joe Vitale and Ihaleaka Hew Len, PhD. Featuring the ancient Hawaïan teachings of Ho'oponopono

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